Saturday, April 5, 2025
Members: 11 am to noon
Public: noon to 3 pm
Humboldt Coastal Nature Center
Find great deals on gently used outdoor gear while supporting a great cause– free outdoor education programs for Humboldt County kids and stewardship of our native dune ecosystems. What is outdoor gear? Camping and backpacking equipment, kayaks and canoes, surfboards, bikes, hiking boots, and so much more! Backcountry Press will be joining us for the event. They will be selling a wide array of books that explore natural history, ecology, and the western landscape.
At 2 p.m. prices will be slashed on any remaining gear! The Get Outside Gear Sale supports Friends of the Dunes’ education and stewardship programs, provides the community with excellent deals on outdoor gear, and encourages buying used, which is great for the environment!
Support free coastal education by donating your lightly used gear to the 2024 Friends of the Dunes Gear Sale. Donations are now being accepted Wednesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm at the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center, 220 Stamps Lane in Manila, and at Adventure’s Edge Stores in Eureka and Arcata during their regular open hours. If you can't make it during those hours, call 707-444-1397 to set up a different drop off appointment.

Consignment items are no longer being accepted. Thank you!
Please fill out the Donation form below