Webinar Series

From pinnipeds to plovers, from lace lichens to the magical mosaic of our dune flora, the nature of our coast holds a world of wonder. Explore Naturalist Notes Webinar Series! Watch experts talk about some of the captivating creatures and fantastic flora of California’s Northcoast dunes.
Orange-Red, Yellow-Red: The Oldest Western Snowy Plover on Record
Mark Colwell, PhD
Ethnobotany of Humboldt's Coastal Environments
Adam Canter
Introduction to Lichens of the Dunes
Loriel Caverly
Pinnipeds of the California Coast
Claire Nasr
Introduction to Native Bees of the Dunes
Brian Dykstra
Coastal Vulnerabilities and Resilience of Humboldt's Dune-Beach Systems
Ian Walker, PhD
Introduction to Nature Therapy & Forest Bathing
Justine Legge
To Track a Raven: Monitoring Ravens to Understand their Movement within Western Snowy Plover Habitat
Janelle Chojnacki
Greater Fritillary Butterfly Conservation in Northern Coastal California
Clint Pogue
Diversity among Bats of the Lanphere Dunes
Nicole Matonak
Celebration 40 Years of Coastal Conservation
Carol Vander Meer, Andrea Pickart, & Mike Cipra